Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Snow storm 2009 Part Two

I'm back I'm back!!  Remember this traffic that we sat in while trying to get home to WV??  Well if not check here to see how the first half of the trip went!

This is snow that was plowed in a grocery store parking lot.  We had to go there to get more baby wipes.  It was a Sunday evening that we were staying in Staunton, but it was also the Sunday before christmas.  We went to the mall and tried to find something to do besides keep Bailey couped up in a hotel room.  The mall was closing because there were only like 20 people there.  All other stores outside the mall were already closed!  I couldn't believe it!  I was ready to finish my christmas shopping, but that town had other plans for me!

The small things that keep kids entertained!

Our lovely hotel that Bailey destroyed!

One of two trucks we saw on their side.

The roads on the way home.  We thought they were bad the day before.

Once again another car wrecked. 

I hope you can see this one car.  All you could pretty much see were the sideview mirrors because they had plowed so much snow on it.  I can't imagine leaving my car to the unknown on the interstate.

We finally made it home late afternoon Monday.  It was a very interesting ride home.  We saw about a total of at least 30 cars wrecked on the side of the road, 2 tractor trailers on their side, and 2 other tractor trailers just wrecked.  My back hurt so bad because I tense up in bad weather.  I have decided I am not traveling anymore during the winter.

We get home and guess what we had to do?? Play in the snow.  It wasn't as fun as it would have been if the snow were fresh.  But Bailey still enjoyed it.  She really couldn't move much because I had her so bundled up. 

It sure did make her laugh!

Watching her daddy shovel the snow.  As you can tell the salt trucks don't come out our way to salt or scrape the road.

Overall it was a nice trip and nice to get away for a weekend.  Thanks RPM for the christmas dinner!


Trish said...

I sure don't envy you guys! Growing up in Kentucky I saw and drove in my fair share of snow...maybe that's why I dispise it so!

Lovin the coast here in North Carolina!

Amanda Wissmann said...

Oh boy! What an...adventure! Not that I would have been excited about the experience but I absolutely LOVE staying at hotels...especially when I wasnt planning on it :) Crazy, I know.

Glad you guys made it home safe!