Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bailey got a booboo.....

Well we all know once toddlers learn to climb they think it is the greatest thing ever.  Bailey now climbs on the dining room chairs and sits there like an adult.  Well mostly she climbs up there to see what all she can reach on the table.  I had just put some things on the table for dinner inlcluding an A1 steaksauce bottle.  I walked back in the kitchen and had my back to the dining while Bailey climbed up on the chair.    Next thing I hear is a big boom on the floor and her screaming.  I have no clue exactly how it happened, but when I go to pick her up she is still holding the steak sauce that she grabbed. The next day I made her stand still for a minute so I could get a picture of her first  big booboo. (Its really not that bad but is the worst thing she has done). You would have thought she was posing like a model! Now she walks around and points to it and says booboo.

Her face is just breathtaking with a booboo or not!


Perfectly Jenn said...

I'm sorry she has a booboo but I do agree that she is just plain breathtaking. I'm in love with her eyes! Adorable little girl you have there!!

Trish said...

awww, poor Bailey...OUCH!

....she is still just a cute!

Jen Vincent said...

So sweet. Bummer about the boo boo though. Over the summer Jordan slipped while trying to get into bed and landed on a toy car and took off a slice of his toe. It just kept bleeding for the longest time. I felt so bad. Anything with blood coming out of my baby freaks me out. :( It's life though...

Anonymous said...

Awww, poor thing. Glad she is okay. And you're right she's adorable, boo boo and all.